








发行时间:2010年04月(April 13, 2010)

流派Psychedelic Rock

制片人Pete Kember, MGMT

专辑介绍: 2010年最值得期待的新砖之一,春季发行。首专Oracular Spectacular红遍全球之后,这张新专辑似乎会更实验一些。乐团成员还请到了Spacemen 3的Pete Kember一起合作,不知道与这支活跃于90年代初期的电子乐队会不会擦出啥创作的火花。

One of the most anticipated CD releases of 2010 is set to drop in Spring. MGMT follow up their all conquering debut ‘Oracular Spectacular’ with ‘Congratulations’ which they are currently recording with Pete Kember from the seminal 80’s early 90’s band Spacemen 3 (who also featured Jason Pierce who went on to form Spiritualized). This partnership sounds like a match made in heaven and should show a progression, and possibly more experimental approach, from the debut CD.
The band have been previewing 4 new tracks in their recent live sets – ‘Congratulations’, ‘It’s Working’, ‘Flash Delirium’, and ‘Song For Dan Treacy’. Describing the album title, the band explained "It was more of a sarcastic congratulations. It just feels right. It's funnier now. We had no idea what was going to happen with the first album in terms of success or radio play. You know, it's been a crazy year so now it's even more annoying that the second albums called congratulations."


  上面也提到了,这张专辑的正式发行日期是4月13号,所以现在听到的是泄露版,不过可以放心,和正式发行的专辑没任何区别,MGMT官方也承认了专辑泄露。如果有兴趣,可以去他们的官网:http://mgmt-congratulations.com/ 听Preview和购买正版。

  MGMT这只乐队在国内可能知道的人并不多,他们凭借第一张专辑《Oracular Spectacular》以独特的曲风一战成名(我个人强烈推荐这张专辑,被Mike Shinoda评为08年最佳专辑之一,也入选了第52届格莱美),于是这张新的录音室专辑就备受期待。

  我在粗略的听了几遍之后的感受是,没有Oracular Spectacular带给我耳朵的震撼和冲击大。也许是已经听过了第一张专辑知道了他们的风格,整张专辑听下来后没有什么闪光点,可能是听的不够多的关系。总的来说旋律还是很好听的,对于不知道MGMT的人或者没听过电子乐的人来说,这张专辑仍然不可错过。



